Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Indian Epic UnTextbook

Just So Stories By: Rudyard Kipling
I looked at the first 4 sections of the story book, and I decided to read this one because it was the one that I randomly selected.

I really liked the pages that I viewed for this review.  Throughout this semester I have searched for stories similar to these.  The kinds of stories that give a new and interesting perspective as to what other societies think of the world.  These stories show how different cultures perceive the world and how it came to be.  I appreciate these stories because they help to show you how other societies get their morals and beliefs.  The stories of a culture can tell you a lot about their values.

I liked the style of this storybook, I thought the links were very easy to follow and they kept the reading concise in one location.

Famous Last Words Week 15

Well, the time has finally come.  I’m about to graduate college.  I made it through my semester of 21 hours, playing rugby, keeping up with my workouts, and working fulltime.  I made it through successfully and graduation is a little over a week away.  I have never been so exhausted in my life.  Every part of me feel exhausted.  Mentally, physically, emotionally I am completely drained.  However, I also feel like I’m on top of the world and feel so completely successful.  I finished college in three years and will have my bachelors at the early age of 20.

This year has been absolutely crazy and eventful.  I’ve learned so much academically in my classes throughout this semester.  All of my classes have been upper division courses and therefore I have been constantly learning new concepts and expanding on previous knowledge.  I feel like my major has come to reach a completed and full education and I confidently say that I have a well rounded education.

My rugby career has really continued to grow and thrive.  The sport has continued to become a part of my soul and continues to get deeper and deeper into my heart.  I love playing and it is some of the best time I have ever spent.  I love the time I spend on the pitch pushing myself to new limits for 80 minutes along side of the women I love most in the world.  My teammates have taught me so much about life and rugby.  They have taught me what it means to laugh, to love, to lose, to cry, to win,  to be a champion, to rise above a challenge, to be a woman.  I thank goodness that I don’t have to be enrolled at OU to play with the roses.  No matter what happens after graduation, at least I’ll have my girls. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Online Education Review

I think the courses I have taken online at OU have been very fulfilling.  They have all been unique and completely different from one another.  I am a strong advocate for online courses because they have allowed me so much more freedom in my schedule.  Freedom that I would not have had if my classes had all be in classroom lecture style courses.  I think that online courses are for people who have time management skills and a good level of personal drive.  It is easy to brush aside online work and simply not do it.  The level of personal discipline in an online setting is a big commitment that people need to be fully aware of. 

Gen. Ed. Review

Originally, I thought the gen ed requirements of degrees was somewhat useless and irrelevant.  However, as my time has come to pass I understand that it helps to provide a more well rounded education.  My gen eds have been some of my favorite courses.  One of my gen ed courses actually led to my decision to pursue a minor in anthropology.  I think gen eds also help to keep school fun.  It’s nice to have a break from all my criminology classes and switch gears every now and then.  The only deterrent to that is when gen ed professors are overbearing in their workload and general expectations.  I have never had that experience however; I have heard from other people it can cause quite a train wreck of stress.

College Writing Review

The majority of the writing I have done at OU has been for my major.  Criminology courses are typically very research and theory heavy and therefore I spent a lot of time explaining research, theories, and the applications of both.  The courses themselves were never really concerned with any kind of writing tips or grammar.  The assumption was always that we knew how to write a scholarly paper and that we would get it taken care of.  I wish that I had taken this class sooner, as it has made me a lot more grammar conscious.  The feedback and emphasis on syntax, grammar, and punctuation could have helped some of the papers I wrote in other classes and made them even better than they were.    

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Storytelling Post: The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage

Once upon a rugby field there was a fly-half, an inside center, and an outside center.  In this rugby field the fly-half was essentially the quarterback, and she called all of the plays and lead the back line as the first ball carrier.  The inside center was the middle woman, she had the option to pass out to the outside or back in to the fly-half, she was quick and could run the ball without fail.  The outside-center was the quickest of the three, as the last in line when she got the ball it was ideal that she would break free and make long runs with the ball.  All three players worked together to form an excellent connection.  Their plays were spot on and they formed an excellent team on and off the pitch.

One day the fly-half went to an elite performance camp where she trained with coaches and players from all around the world.  When she came back to her inside and outside centers in the next match she tried to run the line utilizing plays she had learned while she was gone.  As the quarterback of the line her centers had no choice but to follow her lead.  However, with the new plays and new style of organization the two centers couldn’t predict passes like they usually could. 

As the match went on the fly-half would go on to botch passes to her centers that would lead to high tackles, ruined plays, and failed lines.  The weakness in the connection would ultimately lead to the ruin of the line and the failure of the team. 

My outside center, me (fly-half), and my inside center.
Post Game Photo

Authors Note:  This story is based on The Mouse,The Bird, and The Sausage.  The original story is about a mouse a bird and a sausage who all live together in a house.  The trio works together day in and day out to make the household work.   Each performs an individualized task that’s specialized to their particular skills.  At the end of each day their tasks come together to support one another and create a livable situation for the three of them.  Then one day the bird goes out to venture on his tasks and meets another bird.  The second bird convinces the first to go home and change the ways he organizes the household.  When the three try to change things without communicating they all die.  Seriously, that’s the ending, they all die.  My story took the more athletic and sports approach to the story.  In rugby a backline is players who all rely on knowing the skills and strengths of one another.  The flyhalf inside and outside connection is extremely important to the success of the line.  A team without a strong connection will not have a successful backline, and a team that doesn’t communicate will certainly fail. 

Book- Fairy Tales by the Brother Grimm
Author- The Brothers Grimm
Year- 1912