Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Voyages of Sinbad: Reading Diary B

Upon finishing the Voyages of Sinbad story unit, I am thoroughly amused.  This story is far different than what I expected it to be.  This story is also very enjoyable to read and I am very pleased that I decided to read this unit. 

The part of this half of the unit that I found to stand out the most was the encounter Sinbad had with the Old Man of the Sea.  This part of the story kind of reminded me of Yoda in Star Wars.  While Yoda would always seem frail, fragile, and weak in battle he was one of the most successful of the Jedi.  When Yoda would fight he could really manipulate a light saber and navigate a battlefield. 

I also found it very funny how the narrative character Sinbad addressed the believable nature of his story.  The character directly addressed how the fact that he keeps conveniently ended up the only survivor of these scenarios is questionable.  In the typically fashion of individuals who find themselves in these kind of instances he insists that his stories are true and that he is telling the events as they naturally occurred. 

I would love to know the roots of this story and how it came to be.  If they are tales based on a real merchant sailor or fantasy tales that simply came from the collective imagination of a society.  No matter what the origin this was an excellent story unit.

Sinbad and the Old Man
Illustration from the UnTextbook

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