Thursday, March 26, 2015

Reading Diary B: Celtic Fairy Tales

The second half of the Celtic Fairy Tales unit was just as entertaining as the first section was!  There were less chapters, or sections I guess they would be called, but they were still very entertaining.

The story that stood out to me the most was Beth Gellert.  This section was much sadder than the other components of this unit.  About a Prince who has a favorite hunting dog named Gellert.  Gellert misses a hunt one day but when the Prince returns he finds Gellert covered in blood.  His mind wanders to his small child and he fears for the worst.  The babies nursery is bathed in blood with the crib overturned, the Prince assumes the worst and kills Gellert in his rage.  As Gellert died the baby cries out and the Prince discovers a wolf, dead in the room.  Gellert had missed the hunt because he was protecting the baby and had killed the wolf. 

I thought that this story was really well written because it makes the reader relatively involved in a very short amount of storytelling.   

The Baby saved by Gellert
Image from the UnTextbook

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