Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reading Diary A: Indian Fairy Tales

Hurray for the week after spring break!  I decided to read the Indian Fairy Tales unit.  My selecting process was fairly random this week.  I usually have luck with my random selections for this class. Which has continued once again in this week with this unit. 

So far I really like this unit.  As opposed to my unit from the previous week where the stories are relatively unconnected and individual, this week my story has a more interconnected collection of stories.  The stories are mainly connected through the scope of a story teller.  Therefore the stories I'm reading are somewhat of a story within a story. 

So far my favorite part of the story has been a section about a man who fought a cold front.  Shin-ge-bis fools the North Wind.  This section of the story was interesting to me because the man believes he can fight off the North wind and he actually succeeds.  I think this story is intriguing because it shows how the native americans used to personify nature and the changing of the seasons.  I think this concept speaks volumes about their culture and outlook on life and nature.  

The North Wind
Image from the UnTextbook 

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