Monday, March 9, 2015

Reading Diary A: Eskimo Stories

This week I have selected the Eskimo Stories reading unit for my weekly reading.  I selected this unit because of the unit description.  Out of all of the potential units I thought that this one had a certain sort of unique draw to it that led me to decide to read it.

Thus far, I have really enjoyed this unit.  It is not my favorite unit that I have read for this class so far.  However, it is really unique and quite a nice change of pace to read.  The stories are all unconnected short stories from Eskimo culture.  The themes are somewhat similar throughout the various stories but there is no reoccurring character or plot.  I think this is somewhat refreshing as well.  The last several units I have read have all been longer stories so a nice break is a welcome change.

The stories have all managed to get a very well put together story told in a relatively short amount of time.  My favorite story in this unit so far was about a bear and its foster mother.  In this story an old woman in the village is given a bear cub who she raises as one of the tribe.  The bear lives peacefully among the villagers as their kin.  The bear even comes to hunt with the men and supports their way of life.  The story ends fairly sad because the woman is forced to send the bear away.  Even though the ending was sad I still liked this story best, I’m not too sure why, it just stood out to me.   

Polar Bear Cub
Taken from Blog

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