Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reading Diary B: Indian Fairy Tales

This morning I finished reading the Indian Fairy Tales unit for Week 10.  So far this class continues to be exactly what I hoped to get out of it.  A new and interesting view at various cultures around the world.  I think that reading all these stories and seeing all the different themes and story telling devices lets us know a lot about the cultural values of the various places.

Something I found really interesting about the native american stories units was that the really personify the elements of nature and the animals.  The stories had a heavy emphasis on man and animals living side by side in tandem.  The emphasis of the symbiotic relationship was a good indication of their outlook on how they value the natural elements and the wild side of nature.

In the second half of the unit I really thought the story about the boy who snared the sun was a good one.  The story was a really unique look on how the mouse became so small even though it seemed like that wasn't the point of the story. The story was particularly playful and refreshing.  

Field Mouse
Image from Pinterest

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