Monday, January 5, 2015

My Uncontested Favorite Place

Without a shadow of a doubt my favorite place is the rugby pitch.  Not necessarily the pitch at OU, or the pitch at Tulsa, Dallas, Houston, or Austin, not the pitch at High Desert.  Simply THE rugby pitch.  Any pitch where I can play a game of rugby with my teammates becomes THE only pitch that matters at the time.  My teammates are some of the strongest, bravest, toughest, and best women that I know.  My team is my heart, and they say home is where the heart is.  Therefore, my favorite place is home, when I'm there with my team, fighting on the pitch like a bunch of warriors.

OU Rugby Pitch at Sunset -- Personal Photograph
Taken By: Rachel Fischer September 2014

OU Roses Win War of the Roses Home Tournament -- Personal Photograph
September 2014

OU Roses Win High Desert Rugby Tournament in Albuquerque NM
Photograph by: Derek Lucero 

OU Rugby. OU Roses. <3


  1. What a great post, Rachel! Rugby is such a fun sport to watch, but I have never played it. Rugby warrior women: I love it! Will you have any matches coming up this semester? If so, let me know and I will include that in the class announcements!!!

  2. Wow, what a great group of girls! That's a tough sport!

  3. Rachel! Since I've already commented on your Intro, I got to read and comment on this post! Rugby is SO INTENSE! Mad props to you for sticking with it. I was never exposed to rugby and have no idea if I would enjoy it or not- but I LOVE that you do and that it is your family! I played sports all growing up and miss that aspect of it for sure. Keep up the good work!

  4. It sounds like you have found the sport that you enjoy as much as life itself. That is so awesome. Like I said in my comment on your Intro, I've never participated in rowing or rugby, but it does sound very interesting.
    I love the picture you chose for this post. It has beautiful scenery in it with he sun shining over the pitch. I played softball and volleyball when I was younger, so I understand the camaraderie that you feel with your teammates. Kudos to you and your team.
