Monday, January 12, 2015

Selections from the UnTextbook

Dante’s Inferno has always been a piece of literature that interests me.  Admittedly, I have unfortunately never read any of the material.  However, I am familiar with the concept and would love to actually read it during this class.

Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite stories from my childhood.  Now that I’m older I’m well aware that Alice in Wonderland is not at all a “strictly for children story”.  It has been some time since I’ve looked over the story or any of its content.  I think at my current age and academic level it would be interesting to see how my opinions regarding this story have changed.

During my past three semesters at OU I have taken a course of Russian.  The language was one of the most challenging things I have ever set out to learn.  That being said, the courses spent so much time on the language that I wish more time had been spent on the culture.  By reading this story I could get the inside look into Russian culture that I had been missing.

I selected the legend of Sinbad unit for similar purposes as the Alice in Wonderland unit.  This is another story that I encountered as a child, and I feel appreciating it in my adulthood would be an interesting change of pace.

I’m not exactly sure why this unit jumped out and caught my attention.  However, the unit’s overview seems as if this unit could have some interesting content from another culture. 

"Who are YOU"
Illustration By: Sir John Tenniel
Acquired from the UnTextbook of Mythology and Folklore

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